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Digital Signage Tips


Digital signage is here to stay and grow. It is practically everywhere and in all types of businesses. There is a package available for every industry and budget. However, content and layout are just as important as selecting the right digital signage bundle. Clear, concise communication always wins. Luckily, not everyone needs a graphic design master to create engaging content. Some ways to make sure your message is displayed with the appropriate content:

1) RELEVANT CONTENT – Remember to add content people are always interested in (ex: weather, breaking news) along with your business info.

2) CLEAN & CONCISE – Look at your content for 3 seconds…was your message read and understood? If not, some changes may need to be made. Most viewers glace so campaigns should focus on one idea and text should be one to short sentences.

3) UPDATES – Keeping content fresh to keep customers interested. Even if the content itself doesn’t change, the layout colors can be altered for an easy appearance change.

4) PHOTOGRAPHY – Good quality photos always intrigue the eye – make sure you are displaying great ones.

– The idea is to do it correctly and time it nicely. Subtle motion can be added to secondary elements, while leaving the main message static (may draw more attention to message). If the message is too long, you can turn it into an animated clip or video. A fun fact: research shows 80 % of users recall a video ad they viewed the last 30 days.

6) INTERACTION – A “call to action” is important and make sure you instruct your target audience (what kind of action do you want from them?).

Digital signage is the quickest technological way to call attention to your business. Following these simple guidelines will help you attract more viewers while improving your business communications.